Friday, November 10, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

by Jeff (Silvereagle)

Tonight my SweetAngel

My heart echoes for you.

You meant so much to me, as you were so young and able,

When I looked to the sky I saw you and it was always blue.

Why did you leave us,

Why did you give up,

I would do anything for you, my heart was always true.I

love you Karie, and life without you will be blue,

For you gave meaning to breath every time I looked up.

You once told me, no woman is worth that much,

But you lied that day for I knew it was false.

For you my sweetangel were worth far more than just a touch

,For you my love, my heart, my soul has suffered such a loss.

What can I do now, that I know you are gone,

Has this life lost such a meaningful soul.

How can the sun shine, when I feel so all alone,

Without you, I know, I am empty as a bowl.

My prayer to you now, my Sweetangel so far away,

Is that God has you in his arms where you belong.

For you were once an Angel gone astray,

But now in heaven is where you are, and my heart will always pray that that is where you were mean to be all along.

by Jeff

So many were touched by Karie in her short lifetime. She truly left a legacy of love behind.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Of all who have touched my heart,
girl, you touched it deep.
Your smile brings me joy,
your tears cause me to weep.

A connection as strong as can be
this bond I will break never.
Like two peas in a pod,
we are friends forever.

Memories built and shared,
laughter, tears, hugs, and smiles.
You brighten my day each time we talk,
feeling close and fading the miles.

I'm happy to share so many memories,
Even happier to make more.
For you, I would do anything, anytime,
For you, my heart has an open door.

Trust me my dear sweet friend,
in me, my word, my heart.
I will hold fast as long as I live,
praying that we might never part.

hinney shot...
Under the table...
Smith and Kerns...
Ugly guys in vettes...
grumpy lesbians...
Fruity 'n Koko woo hoo...
keg on top...
7 to a room....
Wine and vodka coolers...
hubby's ticket...
Angel queen,..
a bridge? really?
CAPS ON, caps off...
Sugar neighbor?


=) :-)

by shari, august, 1999

from Joann...

You truly were an angel
sent from God in heaven above.
Your shocking death just broke the hearts of everyone you loved.
When I found out that you had died
I thought that they were wrong.
You were so alive - and then
just like that, you were gone.
A flame blown out in seconds,
Confirming our worst fears -
A light that shines no more on earth
for which we shed many tears.
But still you are my Sis
And I need you right now.
You hear all the prayers I say
Because they are answered somehow.
I wish that you could be here,
But in a way you are.
Your symbol of a rose goes everywhere with me,
so I know you can't be far.
It still is quite a shock to me
that you had to die;
But no one will forget you ...

love you and will miss you until we meet again Sis

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Karie Ann Olin (nee: Brecht)
June 20, 1970 - May 15, 2006

I created you in my image
With grace and love, I made you mine
The life you've endured may have changed you,
yet your beauty within remains the same.
Never have I left you...
I have shed tears in the face of your pain.
Now is the time for you to come to me.
My child, I hold your deliverance in my hands.
I see that you are weary........